Minimize the impact of EHS on management activities by establishing an EHS management system and complying with applicable legal and other requirements.
Place the highest priority on the health and safety of all employees and suppliers, for which the best working environment and operational capabilities shall be secured and maintained.
Improve the quality of life for customers and contribute to environmental preservation by developing eco-friendly technologies, products and services.
Actively take part in the environmental protection efforts of local communities, fulfill social responsibilities, and engage in open communication with interested parties based on integrity and transparency.
Ensure all employees and suppliers are aware of and join our efforts toward achieving full compliance with our EHS policy.
Evaluation of management’s awareness of EHS risks, resource support for EHS risk management activities and exemplary actions taken to guide such activities.
Planning and Administration
Evaluation of effective planning and follow-up action plans to achieve EHS goals.
Risk Evaluation
Evaluation of all the processes and pre-risk assessment activities related to identifying risks for effective EHS management.
Human Resource
Evaluation of systems for securing, retaining and improving the core competency of EHS-related human resources.
Evaluation of compliance with local laws, regulations, industrial codes, control systems and social responsibilities regarding EHS.
Project Management
Evaluation of anticipating and managing risks throughout the entire life cycle of an unusual project such as establishing or expanding a new business site.
Training and Competence
Evaluation of training systems and its operation in order to improve the EHS competences of the organization.
Communication and Promotion
Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of all communication systems on EHS issues such as executive general meetings and on-site TBM meetings.
Risk Control
Evaluation of identified risk control (technical, design, management control, etc.) and operation of protective systems including personal equipment.
Maintenance and Inspection
Evaluation of effective maintenance, inspection and MOC (management of change).
Contractors and Suppliers
Evaluation of system management including partner selection process, definition of responsibility, core competence development, proper supervision, monitoring and performance rating.
Emergency Preparedness
Evaluation of effective emergency plans, training systems for emergency response groups and special equipment maintenance systems to minimize damage in the event of an emergency.
Incidents Investigation
Evaluation of incident investigation systems and competence of analyzing the root causes of incidents and reporting practices of all non-conformances including accidents.
Risk Monitoring
Evaluation of risk monitoring systems, and continuous monitoring to check if follow-up measures have been taken after a non-conformance is identified.
Results and Review
Evaluation of efforts to continually improve the system by assessing the performance against the EHS goals.